
- Group CEO
IL Holdings Co., Ltd. : President and Representative Director - Masato Iwata

To achieve happiness for all involved
In April 2022, we adopted a holding structure and changed our name from "Iwata Label Group" to "IL Group. Taking this opportunity, we have newly defined the IL Group WAY (Purpose, Mission, Vision, Value, and Policy) as the Group's common approach and values.
The IL Group exists to "achieve happiness for everyone involved" (Purpose). While contributing to customers and society by "creating new added value" (Mission), we will continue to grow and develop as a group, aiming to be "Global Niche Only One" (Vision).
We are convinced that the most important asset of the IL Group in order to implement the IL Group WAY is our "human resources." We hope to create an environment in which our human resources can work more comfortably, feel more fulfilled, and demonstrate their abilities, and through their work and roles, grow as human beings, become more indispensable to those around them and to society, and be more appreciated and happy. We want the IL Group to be known as having "I Love".

- Group COO
- IL Holdings Co., Ltd. :
Vice President - IL Holdings Co., Ltd. :
- Masahiro Mori
IL Holdings Co., Ltd.
IL Holdings will provide leadership and logistical support to each of the group companies, while striving to achieve sustainable growth for the group as a whole and to ensure that society expects us to continue to exist for many years to come.
We look forward to your continued guidance and support.

- IL Pharma Packaging Co., Ltd.
- President and Representative Director : Nobuhisa Kawakami
IL Pharma Packaging Co., Ltd.
On April 1, 2022, we were newly reborn as IL Pharma Packaging Co., Ltd. from Iwata Label Co.
In order to achieve the IL Group's unified purpose of "realizing happiness for everyone involved," we will contribute to our suppliers by creating sustainable value through continuous change and challenge to enhance customer satisfaction by constantly creating new ideas and proposing added value.
All of us will continue to work together to provide our customers with "safety," "security," and "comfort" in the future. We look forward to your continued patronage.

- President: Atsushi Hironaga
You cannot "change the world" with a label. However, IL Group's labels are necessary for pharmaceuticals that "change the world" for our customers.
IWATA LABEL Europe will continue to challenge as a partner to realize our customers' dreams together with the quality recognized in Japan and the technology we have cultivated.

- President: Eiji Funabashi
IWATA LABEL USA Co., Ltd. is a US corporation based in New Jersey. We are expanding our sales activities mainly to pharmaceutical companies based in the U.S., Canada, and South America.
We are striving to deliver "safety, security, and comfort" to the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals through our functional labels and labeling machines.

- IL Contract Packaging Co., Ltd.
- President and Representative Director : Kazuhiko Noda
IL Contract Packaging Co., Ltd.
On April 1, 2022, IL Contract Packaging was born.
All of us at IL Contract Packaging are committed to establishing a company that everyone feels is unique in the medical printing industry in terms of pharmaceutical packaging.
It is our desire to be close to our customers' needs and to provide a high level of products and services that will impress them. This is also my personal mission.
We at IL Contract Packaging look forward to your continued patronage.

- Yakuriken Co., Ltd.
- President and Representative Director : Takayuki Tsuji
Yakuriken Co., Ltd.
On August 1, 2022, Yakuriken joined IL Group.
As an SMO (Site Management Organization), we provide comprehensive support for clinical trial operations at investigational sites so that the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products can be properly evaluated.
All of our employees consider challenge, arrangement, and communication as important and wish to realize precise and sincere responses.
We will do our utmost to improve the quality and efficiency of clinical trials in compliance with ethics and relevant laws and regulations, and contribute to the development of medicine and the birth of tomorrow's new drugs.